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There are a number of organisms that can be mistaken for Ich, which easily leads to misdiagnosis. Additionally, the treatment of secondary bacterial infections from ich parasites boring into the flesh of the fish must be addressed. The solution is the simultaneous use of Rally with Kick-Ich. Together, they treat Ich, bacterial infections resulting from tissue damage, and possible misdiagnosis such as marine velvet.

Kick-Ich is specifically designed to be effective against ciliated protozoa I. multifiliis and C. irritans (freshwater and marine ich, respectively).

Rally is a copper-free, broad spectrum treatment for both freshwater and marine fish with bacterial fin rot, gill flukes, marine parasites (flagellated protozoa / marine velvet), gram negative bacteria, and a number of other issues.


Ruby Reef`s Kick-Ich is a copper free water treatment for the control and elimination of Ich infestations in hobby aquaria. Kick-Ich is safe for all reef, marine, freshwater and planted aquaria. The product has been on the market since 1998 and after three years of development and extensive testing, has been unequivocally proven to be safe for all fish, corals, invertebrates and plants. Kick-Ich, whether used alone or in combination with Ruby Reef`s Rally, has no impact on biological filtration. Kick-Ich is the safest and most effective product for treatment of Ich available.


Ruby Reef`s Rally is a copper free product for control and elimination of marine velvet, Clownfish disease, bacterial fin and tail rot and freshwater gill flukes. Rally is safe for reef, marine, freshwater and planted aquaria. Rally has been on the market since 1998 and after three years of development and testing has been unequivocally proven to be safe for fish, corals, invertebrates and plants. Rally, whether used alone or in combination with Ruby Reef`s Kick-Ich, has no impact on biological filtration. Rally is safe and effective for rapid control of dangerous and destructive infestations such as marine velvet and clownfish disease.

Two-week treatment Treats 50-65 gal

Manufacturer Info

Ruby Reef

Ruby Reef was incorporated in 1998 after three years of product development, product stability and beta site testing, and market testing by Dr. Sam Grillo. Ruby Reef`s products are based on both a high level of scientific acumen and efficacy, and a thorough understanding of both fish diseases and the associated problems experienced by aquarium hobbyists. Ruby Reef provides scientifically sound disease management products as good or better than any available to aquarium hobbyists.


Kick-Ich Combo Pack – Sm. 2-16 oz, Kick-Ich Combo Pack – Med. 2-32 oz

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