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Introducing the stunning Marble Lyretail Molly (Poecilia Sphenops), a must-have addition to any freshwater aquarium! With its vibrant colors and graceful fins, this fish is sure to captivate your attention. The Marble Lyretail Molly is known for its peaceful nature, making it an excellent choice for community tanks. It thrives in a well-maintained aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and a balanced diet. To ensure a healthy and long life, provide the Marble Lyretail Molly with plenty of clean, oxygen-rich water and regular maintenance. With its beautiful colors, peaceful nature, and easy care requirements, the Marble Lyretail Molly is the perfect addition to any aquarium!

For anyone looking for an exciting centerpiece for their tank, look no further than the Marble Lyretail Molly! This fish is sure to stand out in any aquarium with its bold combinations of white, yellow, and black colors. As it swims gracefully around the tank, its stunning pattern will be a sight to behold. The Marble Lyretail Molly is also very active and hardy, making it an ideal candidate for community tanks. Plus, they are peaceful and require minimal care, making them perfect for both beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

To ensure the health of your Marble Lyretail Molly, it is important to maintain a clean environment with regular water changes. Additionally, you should provide plenty of oxygen-rich water by using an aerator or air-stone. When feeding your fish, be sure to give them a variety of foods that are high in protein and have adequate vitamins and minerals. As with any fish, it is important to monitor the water parameters closely so that your Lyretail Molly stays in good health. With proper care, this fish can live up to five years! So add some bold color and personality to your aquarium today with the Marble Lyretail Molly.

Enjoy your fishy friend!

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in