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Product Description

Red Sea’s Reef Foundation Pro Test Kit includes high accuracy titration tests for the accurate measurement of the elements calcium, magnesium and alkalinity (KH) which are the basicfoundation elements of coral skeletons.

All of these elements need to be available in balanced proportions for sustainable successful coral health and growth.

Red sea’s Reef Foundation Pro Test Kitenables accurate dosing of the Reef Foundation Supplements, which are part of the complete Red Sea Reef Care Program.

Reef Foundation Pro Test KitPackage size/volume:

Test Name



No. of test

Calcium Pro


5 ppm


KH/Alkalinity Pro


0.05 meq/l


Magnesium Pro


20 ppm


Red Sea Reef Care – Reef Foundation Program (episode 2/5) HD 06:43

Red Sea RCP #2 Introduction – Reef Foundation Program Red Sea's Reef Foundation Program is built on our years of experience in developing sustainable reef-keeping solutions. In order to achieve optimal water parameters for reef development, a